Speaker of the Heart
Falling in love with God who does that ??
After moving from Florida to Tennessee, I found myself feeling just a little stagnant and wondering if I made the right decision. But soon music began to play a significant role in opening my soul. I say I was being primed for what was to come.
An amazing spiritual event happened on a lonely country road in Triune, Tennessee. I was introduced to a love greater than I have ever known. It happened in the most unusual and amazing way... I had no religious background and God rocked my world, and my life has never been the same. Talk about a life-changing experience. God, has opened my heart and whispered His love into my soul. He has given me a love story to share.
Although my journey may seem short to many. I promise you that my many months of discovery have been packeted abundantly full with information that only God could have placed in my heart. It's been an amazing journey and there were many times it was quite overwhelming so much so I found it difficult to contain. He introduced me to Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I was like a wide eyed child with a new zest for life. I had an unquenchable thirst to know more about this product I call liquid love. I will admit this desire has never left me. I say I am a work in progress. Some may find some of my discoveries a bit unconventional.
However, I bring an unusual road to Damascus story that is filled with wonderment, excitement, and a growing desire to share a love that has captured my heart.
I am a professional photographer by trade and my eyes have been trained to see the beauty around me…. But this experience has taught me to also Feel the beauty that lives within.
I consider myself very lucky to have married my best friend. I am a mother to 4 amazing adult children, who have blessed me, with 6 adorable grandchildren who bring joy and laughter to my soul.
The goal that God has set forth before me is to ignite or rekindle flames in dormant souls. If there is only one soul in the audience that feels that the luster for loving Him has grown dim.. We definitely need to connect. Let’s set our hearts ablaze with a LOVE like none other.
"And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns." Philippians 1:6.
I am far from being who I believe God wants me to be. I truly am a work in progress... And He knows it !!
Wishing you a day of His abundant love..
Lori Garner 954-675 4835
My Testimony
Feeling dormant ? I was until the Holy Spirit touched my soul on a lonely road in Tennessee . He picked me up turned me upside down placed me on my feet and said GO!!! And away I went.. on the most amazing LOVE filled Journey of my life. My journey is packed with discovery. And I would love to share the details with you.. Let's ingnite His flame in the hearts of others.
Feeling Gods Frequencies
Living and Loving in the Wow
Spiritual Signs
Music is a GPS to the Soul
Liquid Love and the Holy Ghost
Gods Miracle
Do you ever argue with God?
Text God? OMG
Falling In love with God who does that?
Love with no Boundaries
Rhapsody of LOVE
He WOW’s me
The Child within
Circle of LOVE
Come Let us adore HIM
Is it Biblical? How to tap into a spiritual relationship with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit -
No experience needed
Prayer & Journaling
Do our prayers become robotic and stale? Do we take the time to look for God with freshness or are we stuck in a Spiritual rut? I would love to share my journey with you and tell you what set my heart ablaze.
Tattoos... Hmm, are they Taboo?
Bible Word Study
Study the Bible in one year one word at a time.. It's an amazing journey of discovering scripture. You may even surprisingly find yourself. We have created a blog to share our collection of words. To our surprise, we have logged in 482 words and we have aproximately 23K views worldwide
Christian Blogging and Podcasting a wonderful avenue to share your message with the world.
Stepping out and sharing your message and heart with the world can be a scary experience. But there are times when we just need to take a deep breath and jump... Knowing full well God will catch you.
In our digital world do we tap into our technology to worship? Do we documnent our thoughts ? I have over 3 years of notes, prayers, and meditation stories stored in my iPhone.. thank God because I would never remember the details of my journey.

Lebanon Cumberland Presbyterian Church
As the teacher of an Adult Small Group, I would like to thank Lori Garner for speaking to us about her journey with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It was an amazing story of how God can invade the life of one of His children. - Joann Turnbull, Lebanon TN.